--------Scenario: Battleline
Location: Gamers Haven Colorado Springs, CO
Date played: Saturday, December 08, 2012
Orcs - Groktz Dwarfstompa
------------------General: Derick
(SGS) (Rurz Facepoker) Savage Orc Great Shaman, SO Great Shaman [290 points]
(NGS) (Luzagal SnotlingLicker) Night Goblin Shaman, NG Shaman [110 points]
(BSB) Goblin Big Boss (Battle Standard Bearer), [153 points]
+ Spider Banner
(BBB) Black Orc Big Boss, BO Big Boss [90 points]
(SO) 33 Savage Orc Big'Uns, SO Boyz Mob [383 points]
+ Musician, Standard
(NG) 41 Night Goblins, Night Goblin Mob [178 points]
+ Standard
(WR1) 5 Goblin Wolf Riders, Wolf Rider Mob [50 points]
(WR2) 5 Goblin Wolf Riders, Wolf Rider Mob [50 points]
(SH1) 40 Night Goblin Squig Herd, Squig Herd 1 [270 points]
(30 squigs, 10 hearders)
(SH2) 40 Night Goblin Squig Herd, Squig Herd [270 points]
(30 squigs, 10 hearders)
(T1) Trolls [35 points]
(T2) Trolls [35 points]
(T3) Trolls [35 points]
(MS1) Mangler Squig [65 points]
(MS2) Mangler Squig [65 points]
(PW) Snotling Pump Wagon, Pump Wagon [75 points]
+Spiky Roller, Giant 'Explodin Spores
(DD1) Goblin Doom Diver Catapult, Doom Diver 1 [80 points]
(DD2) Goblin Doom Diver Catapult, Doom Diver 2 [80 points]
(RL) Goblin Rock Lobber, Shooty Things [85 points]
Total: 2399 points
Warriors of Chaos
-----------------General: Mike
(SLoT) Sorcerer Lord of Tzeentch [290 points]
(EHoKB) Exalted Hero of Khorne (Battle Standard Bearer) [150 points]
(CMoK1) 20 Chaos Marauders of Khorne [140 points]
(CMoK2) 20 Chaos Marauders of Khorne [140 points]
(CWoN) 24 Chaos Warriors of Nurgle [426 points]
+ Standard
(CWoK) 24 Chaos Warriors of Khorne [426 points]
+ Standard
(CoK) 15 Chosen of Khorne [315 points]
(CW) Chaos Warshrine [130 points]
(S) 6 Skullcrushers [380 points]
Total: 2377 points
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Deployment after vanguard |
After digesting some of the goblin advisers Rurz prepared the incantations for Fist of Gork, The Hand of Gork, 'Eadbutt, and 'Ere We Go!
Luzagal SnotlingLicker also deciding to pray to Mork. Luzagal remembered the incantation to cast Gift of the Spider-god and Gork'll Fix It.
Detecting the same energy as before, Rurz realized that the Sorcerer from last time he came into contact these chaotic people must have survived to return for a good fight. The Chaos Sorcerer of Tzeentch generated Flickering Fire of Tzeentch, Pandeamonium, Treason of Tzeentch, and Infernal Gateway.
Orcs - Turn 1:
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Orcs seize the initiative and make an aggressive move forward |
Seizing the initiative to go first the Boyz stayed in line enough to make aggressive moves forward with out breaking out and fighting each other. Only one of the wolf rider groups got out of control and trotted forwards. Wanting to be aggressive and bait charges Rurz positioned the trolls and the wolf riders to receive the charges and feign fleeing.
Channeling enough energy Rurz cast Hand of Gork on one of the Mangler Squigs to move it in front of the Chosen of Khorn hoping it would crash into them in the following turns and delaying their movment.
Shooting was effective as the Rock Lobber landed directly on the Warshrine failing its ward save, however the rock was a small one and only inflicted one wound. Both doom divers shot, one slipped its rings sending the unlucky goblin into oblivion off the battlefield, the other glided onto the armored warriors impaling itself on three warriors.
Channeling enough energy Rurz cast Hand of Gork on one of the Mangler Squigs to move it in front of the Chosen of Khorn hoping it would crash into them in the following turns and delaying their movment.
Shooting was effective as the Rock Lobber landed directly on the Warshrine failing its ward save, however the rock was a small one and only inflicted one wound. Both doom divers shot, one slipped its rings sending the unlucky goblin into oblivion off the battlefield, the other glided onto the armored warriors impaling itself on three warriors.
WOC - Turn 1:
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The Warriors of Chaos make bold moves, charging, and marking down the Scree slope |
The Chaos marauders charged the wolves and as planned the wolves fled away panicking the other wolves who where so frightened ran through the forest smashing one wolf and goblin into a tree. The skullcrushers moved aggressively along the flank as the Chosen decided to move into the cluster of squig, goblin, and chain contraption losing 11 in the mess. The Chaos Warriors on the other flank decided to brave the steep slope marching into position, legs snapped under the heavy armor and 5 warriors died falling to their deaths.
The Sorcerer seeing a chance to use the leadership against the green skins cast Pandeamonium which Rurz dispelled knowing the implications that can follow.
The Sorcerer seeing a chance to use the leadership against the green skins cast Pandeamonium which Rurz dispelled knowing the implications that can follow.
Orcs - Turn 2:
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Squigs were hungry |
The Squig Herd unit failed its animosity and in the craze charged the flank of the Skullcrushers. The wolves decided this fight wasn't for them and left the battle, Rurz seeing this, knows he will find them and punish them later. The snotlings lose control of their pumpwagon and instead turn tail and smash into the squig herd killing 3 unlucky squigs. The other wolf riders rallied hoping to protect the the doom diver. Rurz seeing the opportunity to set up a wall with trolls did so, hoping to bait the marauders and warriors into combat and out of position.
Da Big Waaagh was useful again enabling Rurz to cast Hand of Gork on the other Mangler Squig moving it to bar the passage of the Khorne Warriors on the other flank.
One doom diver missed his target completely smashing into the sand, the goblins on the other doom diver didn't do the proper maintenance on the machine causing it to crash and fall to pieces on top of them. The rock lobber again scored a hit on the Warshrine but this time it was protected by its wards.
The Skullcrushers were surprised from the attack through the forest and with being unprepared only managed to kill 5 squigs who where chompin on their boots. Feeling hungry the squigs and their herders managed to kill two Skullcrushers and wound another, causing the Skullcrushers to break from combat in surprise and run from the battlefield. In frenzy the squigs, not listening to their herders attempts to control them, perused the Skullcrushers off the battlefield for a short time.
Da Big Waaagh was useful again enabling Rurz to cast Hand of Gork on the other Mangler Squig moving it to bar the passage of the Khorne Warriors on the other flank.
One doom diver missed his target completely smashing into the sand, the goblins on the other doom diver didn't do the proper maintenance on the machine causing it to crash and fall to pieces on top of them. The rock lobber again scored a hit on the Warshrine but this time it was protected by its wards.
The Skullcrushers were surprised from the attack through the forest and with being unprepared only managed to kill 5 squigs who where chompin on their boots. Feeling hungry the squigs and their herders managed to kill two Skullcrushers and wound another, causing the Skullcrushers to break from combat in surprise and run from the battlefield. In frenzy the squigs, not listening to their herders attempts to control them, perused the Skullcrushers off the battlefield for a short time.
WOC - Turn 2:
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Break through the middle, with the Khorne Marauders leading the charge |
The Sorcerer seeing his trusty monstrous cav unit being run off the battlefield by a horde of squigs decided to try and break through the middle sending the bazerking Khorne Marauders towards the troll and into the puny night goblins. The warriors on the other flank tried to position themselves to charge moving into the mangler squig and losing 7 to the death ball.
The Sorcerer decided not to charge the trolls and decided to cast Infernal Gateway successfully, at the last second before the savage orcs could possibly be sucked into the Realm of Chaos, Luzagal used his magical dispel scroll stopping the spell cold. Again Pandaemonium was attempted to cast but Rurz was hording the magical energy and snuffed the spell out.
The Khorne Mauraders smashed the single troll dodgy all of its slow attacks and crawling over its dead corpse to smash into the night goblins behind the troll.
The Sorcerer decided not to charge the trolls and decided to cast Infernal Gateway successfully, at the last second before the savage orcs could possibly be sucked into the Realm of Chaos, Luzagal used his magical dispel scroll stopping the spell cold. Again Pandaemonium was attempted to cast but Rurz was hording the magical energy and snuffed the spell out.
The Khorne Mauraders smashed the single troll dodgy all of its slow attacks and crawling over its dead corpse to smash into the night goblins behind the troll.
Orcs - Turn 3:
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Smashin - 4 goblins died not 8 :P |
Rurz saw that he needed to aid the night goblins knowing he couldn't trust them to kill off the Marauders. Losing himself in the frenzy along with his fellow savages decided it was about time to charge, slamming into the flank of the Marauder unit engaged with the night goblins. To protect the flank of the savage orcs the trolls were ordered to hold the Warriors of Nurgle unit at bay. The snotlings finally got the pump wagon under control and turned to smash into the armored chosen warriors. The other squig herd got into position to charge the other Chaos Marauders and hoping to overrun into the Warshrine.
Both Gork and Mork decided to help the units in combat adding to the savage orcs poison and allowing them to re-swing their misses.
The doom diver malfunctioned slingshoting the goblin catching its foot and smashing into the other goblins and side of the machine crumbling it to the ground. The rock lobber miss judged the distance and shot straight into the dirt.
Both Gork and Mork decided to help the units in combat adding to the savage orcs poison and allowing them to re-swing their misses. Killing 11 Marauders between the savages and night goblins the Marauders saw the effort was futile and decided to pray to Khorne, Blood for the Blood god, smashing 4 night goblins before being run down by the savage orcs. One of the trolls saw the relatively squish warrior and detected the magic flowing in his veins thinking that could do the most damage to him sent all his attacks at it, sneaking past the ward once and stomping on him to inflict 2 wounds total. The other warriors cut down the trolls opening up the path towards the savage orcs. The snotlings inflicted two wounds to the Chosen of Khorne before being hacked apart by their halberds.
WOC - Turn 3:
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Squigs go wild |
The Chaos Sorcerer seeing the marauders overran by green tide, saw the last opportunity to break the greenskins. Charging into the savage orcs and triple charging the squig herd sitting out in the open.
Knowing the spells of the greenskins were still active, the Sorcerer decided to dispel both of them hoping to swing the combat his way.
The exalted hero bsb bellowed a challenge to the savage orcs, stepping up to accept was the Black Orc Big Boss, Krurk Eyebasher, in charge of keeping the savage orcs in line. The exalted warriors sent a flurry of attacks that inflicted one wound, with dual choppas Krurk stomped on the exalted hero sending 3 wounds through the chaos armor, one cutting deep into the hero's throat the other under the armpit into the heart, slaying the exalted hero dropping the battle standard into the blood soaked ground. Seeing their standard stomped to the ground the warriors sliced through many savage orcs slaying 6. The savages seeing the Sorcerer already bloody and wounded targeted him cutting off his head, the rest of the savages struck back at the armored warriors causing them to break from combat and being ran down by the savage orcs.
The triple charge slayed 11 cave squigs, the cave squigs were able to kill a few marauders. Failing to keep the squigs in the combat the herders lost control of the Squigs as they went went wild killing everything in the area. The aftermath left only one Marauder and one Khorne Warrior alive.
Knowing the spells of the greenskins were still active, the Sorcerer decided to dispel both of them hoping to swing the combat his way.
The exalted hero bsb bellowed a challenge to the savage orcs, stepping up to accept was the Black Orc Big Boss, Krurk Eyebasher, in charge of keeping the savage orcs in line. The exalted warriors sent a flurry of attacks that inflicted one wound, with dual choppas Krurk stomped on the exalted hero sending 3 wounds through the chaos armor, one cutting deep into the hero's throat the other under the armpit into the heart, slaying the exalted hero dropping the battle standard into the blood soaked ground. Seeing their standard stomped to the ground the warriors sliced through many savage orcs slaying 6. The savages seeing the Sorcerer already bloody and wounded targeted him cutting off his head, the rest of the savages struck back at the armored warriors causing them to break from combat and being ran down by the savage orcs.
The triple charge slayed 11 cave squigs, the cave squigs were able to kill a few marauders. Failing to keep the squigs in the combat the herders lost control of the Squigs as they went went wild killing everything in the area. The aftermath left only one Marauder and one Khorne Warrior alive.
Orcs - Turn 4:
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Orcs position to sweep the battlefield |
Rurz positioned his troops to sweep through and clear the battlefield. The wolves charge the marauder failing miserably as their wolves must have been tired.
Casting Hand of Gork in a massive detonation almost sucking Rurz into the darkness, adding one wound to himself and slaying three savages that were around him.
WOC - Turn 4:
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The warriors seeing their general and all their lines broken decided to go down fighting following the warshrine into combat.
The warshrine crashed into the savage orcs killing 3. The savage orcs and Krurk hardly made it through the shrines ward saves only inflicting 2 wounds. The warshrine passed its test and stayed in combat.
Orcs - Turn 5:
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Orcs try to finish off chaos |
The wolves charged the Khorne Warrior. The other greenskins stumbled over each other trying to get into the fight before it is over.
Rurz was able to get 'Ere we go off enabling the unit to re-roll, which due to poison was able to get the last wound on the warshrine sending it crashing to the ground. The wolves were surprised by the Khorne Warriors heart losing two riders with out doing any damage to the warrior, seeing they might have another chance both warriors and the wolves stayed put.
WOC - Turn 5:
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Failed to run down the wolves |
Slaying another wolf the wolves fled as the Khorne Warrior tried to run them failing as the wolves were to fast. Standing in the open waiting to sacrifice himself to his god.
Orcs - Turn 6:
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The savage orcs not being able to hold back charged the chaos warrior slaying him and over running into the last marauder slaying him to end the battle.
Battle after thoughts
Overall a great victory for the Greenskins. A lot of luck went my way and the mangler squigs inflicted a horrific amount of wounds that made the Chosen pretty much ineffective. I was surprised on how well both Squig Herds did, one slaying the skullcrushers and the other losing combat but going wild and killing off everything with in six inches. I was not expecting the battle to go the way it did. The battle before vs the same list didn't crush as badly. I'm excited to see what this list can go up against.
What do you guys think? How did it go? What should I have changed?
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