Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Which Greenskin are You?

About three, maybe four years ago, heck I don't know when, lets just say a long time ago, I have a horrible memory :P, I took this test personality test from Games Workshop. Some sneaking around and finally found the Which Greenskin are You test. Remembering how much fun I had taking it I decided to write about the test and share my results. 

The best quote in the test comes from the disclaimer: "*Naturally, greenskins are erratic, so this test isn't infallible, but it has been proven to be 100% accurate when it is, and not so much when it isn't."

- Perfect, reminds me of Anchor Man's Sex Panther - "60% of the time it works every time."

Anyways back to the test. There are seven categories ranging from Thick Skulled & Pea Brained to Brutal, but Cunning to Very suspect.

I ended up scoring a 35 and teetered on the edge between Brutal, but Cunning and Cunning, but Brutal.

Once I read it I think it fits how I play O&G perfectly:

Brutal, but Cunning

In the long run this is perhaps the most dangerous type of greenskin commander of all - one who is able to bash through anything  but doesn't feel compelled to do so if there is a smarter way to get the job done. You will use whatever tools are needed or at hand - that could mean attacking with numbers, shooting the foe to pieces or a straight up krumpin'. Or sometimes a mix of all three. The most infamous Orc Warboss of all time, Gorbad Ironclaw was just this sort of menace and his name is still spoken of in the hushed tones.

Funny, every time I've taken this test over the years its always been the same, However over time my score has always increased, starting at the mid 20's and ending with the most recent 35. Never know maybe one day I'll become very suspect and be a 'bit off' like Azhad the Slaughterer.

It is also the reason I base Groktz Dwarfstompa fluff off of being one of Gorbad Ironclaws Lieutenants and when he goes missing Groktz Dwarfstompa takes up the mantle.

What did you score? Leave a comment below and let me know. I'd like to thank the (cracked) team of psycho engineers for coming up with this awesome test.


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